Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WHAT?! ( `皿´)。/)≡≡≡≡≡≡≡>十○

(ノ゜д゜)ノ シュッ 三 ┳━┳!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!! I loaded back my old posts and i noticed all my old post's photos are GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT.TT.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! why like that?!?!?!? Mengapa macam ni?!?!?! 왜그래?!?!?!为什么?!?!?!?!如何して?!??!?!

The previous photos, i using*GEOC*T*ES*upload to upload it, and now they *Geoc*t*es* already CLOSE DOWN, when i search into the web~~!!!! that is why all my photos are GONE WITH THE WIND NOW~!!!!!!!!!!!( ◢д◣) TELL ME WHAT CAN I DO?!?!?!?!? (a dark cloud on top of my head and thunder and rain all come in once) NO WAY NO WAY~!!!! Is like from 2008 to 2009 the photos is gone.... until the post i starting to use other program on 2010 May only got the photos for my post~!!!! o(TヘTo) so tell me~!!!! what can i do?!?!?!? o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo).... (/へ\*))).....

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