Well, i am really happy that i finally got a new phone... so i do everything that can protect my phone as i really appreciate it...So, to welcome my new phone, i actually put a screen protector and a pretty cover for it.... (don't play play ar... my screen protector has *PRIVACY EFFECT ONE* keke...) Let's see....

1# See~~~ I help my new phone to put on a clothes.... nais?!

2# For sure i won't forget to put on my favorite wallpaper for the opening screen.... o(^▽^)o
And also

3# A nice wallpaper inside the screen of my phone too.....
But, do u notice anything?!?!?!?!

4# ?!?!?! (^-^)
I am actually getting a.....

5# Ya~!! A Samsung galaxy note... and?!?!
Still cannot get it yet?!

6# I am getting A Samsung Galaxy Note *WHITE*!!!!!
And please take look at here again for my phone...

7# What color is my phone again!??!?!?!

My Grand mother story begin:-
YES! I got a Samsung Galaxy Note *WHITE* color but end up my phone become *BLACK* color instead.... プ(´゚m゚`)σ... After that guy who help me to put on the *PRIVACY* Screen protector, i actually shout that "I DON'T WANT!!!" to him..... He look at me and laughs, as he noticed what i noticed, which is, what for i need a *WHITE* color phone if i put on a *BLACK* color screen protector... and somemore there is "NO PRIVACY AT ALL!!!!" As i trying to type something beside my friend on my phone, and he actually said that "I can see what u type" ( ̄  ̄|||).....
Become *BLACK* color is already sad (for me), somemore there is *NO PRIVACY* NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Щ(◣д◢)艸 !!!!!! BU!! Luckily that guy in the phone shop is very good, he gave me 50% discount, so at least i feel *still acceptable la*~ Just get it temporarily to protect my screen better than *nothing* lor... WHAT TO DO?!?!?! ... And NOBODY noticed my phone is actually *WHITE* color.... My sis, bro and so whoever saw my phone, they will never notice my phone is *WHITE* color, until i tell them that "My phone is actually WHITE color (`3´)" and they will go "Oh! Ya hor!! I tot is black color" ....
Wahhh...new phonele...nowonder always instgram d...hoho....u really like g-dragon alot huh....i like dae sung....haha..congrats of ur new phone >.<....i wan as well T^T
thank you for supporting samsung product^^ hahahahah
Happie : XD thanks alot~~~~ go and get and instagram with me pls! lol lol...
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