Time : Afternoon
Venue : Seoul National University Subway exit 3 Karaoke Room
日期 : 豆豆生日
时间 : 下午
地点 : 首尔大路口地铁站3号出口的卡拉ok房
Today we made a suprise birthday party for Pea.... this is really fun... at 1st i ask everyone act like not free like that, all went home by saying they are busy only Edwin will go to Karaoke with us... (acting also have to be smart ma... ) and the most stupid stuff is one of my friend's friend go and greet him~(─.─||)we already said that we pretend like donno like that, but she almost break our secret.... but luckily the stupid Pea donno what's going on...
Then like very normal like that, we go to lunch in our school then just pretend like VERY VERY normal... until he didn't notice that too.. then at 1st our friends one by one leaving that place by saying they are not free... kekekekee....
So after lunch.. Me, Pea and Edwin go to Karaoke together... the stupid Edwin keep on looking at the phone.... MAN!!! u r very obvious la u know?! kekekeke... ≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡...
吃完饭后,我,豆豆还有Edwin就一起到卡拉ok去~那个笨笨的Edwin既然一直在看着他的手提~先生!!你知道吗, 你很明显咯!!!!哈哈哈哈哈... ≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡...
We arrived there 1st then after awhile our friends only arrived... they msg me and i brought them into the bigger room which we planned earlier... so after awhile the waitress there also help us to act and said that, someone need to use the small room, ask we go to the bigger room...
Pea starting to wondering what is wrong with us for using the small room?! why she don't wanna let other ppl go to the bigger room as we already choose what song we need to sing... and he started to be unhappy... while we 1st walk in to the big room, he is "STONE" like this…(⊙_⊙;)... then he started to smile... and scold everyone "U GUYS LIE TO ME!!!!!! How come u guys so good in acting huh!!!!" kekekekeke.....
豆豆开始怀疑为什么她要我们换房?!在想为什么她不叫其他的那些人去大房呢?!因为我们的歌曲已经在那里点了...他开始不开心,但是当一进到那个大房的时候,他却整个人定了型似的…(⊙_⊙;)... 这样子看着大家,然后就开始笑骂说 :"你们骗我!!!! 你们为什么那么厉害演戏啊?!"哈哈哈哈哈哈…
Here is some of the photos of the day~ kekkee... really enjoy it alot...

Pretty girls group, but why there is a guy in there?! another girl where did she go?!?!(─.─||)

No more already right?! kekekeke... becoz he thorwn for the audience... kekekekek~

I wonder why there is very noisy over here, u still can sleep over here?! How come both of my little brother also like to sleep leh?!?!?!(─.─||)
Here i have to thanks alot of ppl...
1. Edwin Neo (For accompany me to do the big mission kekekee...)
2. Emma ZhangRui (For buying the cake and help me to bring ppl there...)
3. Yoho / Bill HanXue / Clara ZengTing (For helping me to lie to him...kekeke)
4. Sophia and Edward (For skipping class and attend his birthday...tee-hee)
5. Michelle (For helping me to contact HuangLing and Okhchko they all...)
6. Huang Ling and Sng Hoon (For very fast say YES to me...)
7. Patricia Neo (For the 1st lying to him~ wakkakaka.... )
8. RenChi (Sick also come to attend his birthday... T.T... really touching...)
9. Winny (For attending his brithday..^^)
1. Edwin Neo (谢谢你陪我一起做这个大计划~嘎嘎嘎...)
2. 睿睿 (谢谢你买的蛋糕加帮我带人去那里...)
3. 小濠 / 小旭 / 曾曾 (谢谢你们帮我骗他...)
4. Sophia和金童 (谢谢你们两个逃课也来和他庆祝...哈哈...)
5. Michelle (谢谢你帮我通知黄玲和Okhchko他们...)
6. 黄玲和Sng Hoon (谢谢你们很爽快的说“好”...)
7. Patricia Neo (谢谢你帮我骗到他够够力...哈哈哈哈哈...)
8. 莲知 (谢谢你生病也来出席他的生日...T.T...真的有感动到...)
9. Winny (谢谢你的出席...^^)
GUYS!!! REALLY THANKS FOR MAKING THIS BIRTHDAY PARTY HAPPENED!!!!!!! really appreciate it~ and let me give all of u a bow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~m(_ _)m..hehehe... THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
真的很谢谢你们把这个生日会搞得那么成功!!!!!!!真的真的很感激~请受我一拜~m(_ _)m~呵呵~再一次的谢谢你们!!!!!!!!
1102 : 是你诚实而已拉~呵呵...
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