Monday, April 4, 2011

A day without makeup (☆-v-)。o○《Gооd Мояйiиg》○o。(-v-★)

Got a job early in the morning,* the magazine's editor call us a week before and ask us to be the makeup product's tester....* so here is today~

She ask us dont do any makeup on our face as we need to be the makeup product's tester.... but how m i suppose to go out without my eyebrow.... so... yea~ i draw abit of my eyebrow.... that's it~

And here is ME, MYSELF, without makeup~!!!!

1# Yeah, i know~ this looks weird.... coz i do think this is weird too.... =.="

2# OK~! i admit,the photoshop effects works well OK?!

3# Yeah!!!! this is my favorite... as u can now this become my blog header... coz *I LOVE THIS*.... and BuBu said i look like a 12-year-old little girl~(o_ _)ノ彡☆(should i say thanks to him?!)

BUT now i know, i actually can walk out without makeup neh~ *sombong-ing*(*`▽´*) ウケケケッ*Proud to be myself* Ψ(☆w☆)Ψ *evil grin*

(as i haven't ask their permission can i upload the after makeup photos or not, so i don't dare to upload it yet~ so wait for their permission 1st yea~!!!! ja-neh~ *WAVE*)

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