Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update for the Makeup review ( ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄)

Yea~ camwhore !!!!! After the makeup review we keep on taking photos ourselve... BUT all of my photos is FAILURE~!!! totally not nice.. and *yes* i gain weight~ (give me a week time to lose it back k?!)so yea~ here is the photos which i think is *STILL OK* (^0^)v... thank you Shook Yee and Lyndie tagged me so i can have the photos... and nice to meet u Nicole ^^v.... Hope to see u all again~!!!!

1# Me getting bigger size *YEAH* =.="'

2# Failure 1.... *with Lyndie's body*

3# Failure 2... *with..... some lights?! =.=" *

4# Finally!!!! The best shot!!!!!

Today was so much fun... and actually our makeup is without eyeliner and curler for eyelash... hope our eye / face / lips everything still there... thank you....

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