Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Preparing for photoshoot on April Issue Magazine yo~!!!!o(*^▽^*)o

Finally the magazine released and i now can post behind the scene over here~

Here you go~~!!!!

(Didn't take too many photos as my phone is not clear enough.....미안해~)


2# Continued *Pout-ing* la la la....

3# HUH?! i get burn!!!!! *sunburn* ( ̄w ̄)Ψ

4# YO!!! rocker style =.="

5# Taking photo with one of my favorite editor *HOOI HOOI*.... *HUGS* (Not i poke her, is her own finger yea?! don't said i bully ppl :P~)

(scan out of April issue will be here soon.... stay tune!!!!(o´ω`o)

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